Prof. Yvan Cazabon Pilots On-Campus Theatre Production Workshop

During the winter semester, all instruction at Carleton University has been online, except for a small number of pilot projects.
One of them is Associate Professor Yvan Cazabon’s Theatre Production Workshop, which he has been running as an on-campus face-to-face course at the Architecture Building.
“The students were very keen to return to campus to take part in a live and hands-on medium,” says Cazabon, a faculty member at the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism.
“We meet via Zoom on to discuss ideas and to view various productions of Shakespearean plays,” he explains. “We then follow-up in the school of architecture ‘Pit’ to discuss and test ideas for sets, sound, lighting, and video projections in the making of theatrical scenes and scenarios.”
The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Affairs has produced an article about the workshop.
Read it here: Architecture and English: Collaboration As You Like It

The article details the history of the Theatre Production Workshop and its evolution and adaptation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Three architecture graduate students and five undergraduate architecture students are collaborating with three English undergraduate students in the production of Soliloquies, Sonnets and Selfies pt3 – Objects are Closer Than They Appear.
On April 10, students will present their project at a live YouTube event.
“I hope that our insights and points-of-view as university students will resonate with the viewers to some extent – that it shows how the pandemic has affected everyone’s individual, familial and social lives,” says architecture student Sinan Husic.