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(BAS) Urbanism

The Bachelor of Architectural Studies (Urbanism) program explores architecture as a component of the larger built environment. The curriculum is designed to promote stewardship of communities by examining the forms they take, the forces that produce them, and the ways they affect us. Courses explore the impact of demographic, ecological, economic, and social changes on the urban core and the expanding periphery. Students analyze patterns of human settlement over time in relation to culture, climate, technology, political systems, infrastructure, economic forces, and global ecology. 

Drawing and computer modeling courses in the lower years prepare students to explore urban design in upper-level studios. In addition to designing individual buildings and spaces, Urbanism majors explore architecture and urban space at the scale of the block, neighborhood, city, and region. Projects challenge students to consider the architect’s role in accommodating diversity, contributing to the quality of life, and promoting the health of society and the natural environment.

In addition to courses common to all BAS majors, Urbanism students take specialized courses  including several in Geography, History, and Canadian Studies. Upper-level studios include a Directed Studies Abroad (DSA) option. As with all BAS majors, Urbanism students may opt to participate in the Co-Op program. The Urbanism program prepares graduates for advanced studies and careers in Architecture, Planning, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, and other disciplines.

Please consult the Undergraduate Calendar for a list of program requirements for the BAS-Urbanism major.

 The grid below displays the suggested course sequence for (BAS) Urbanism students for the 2023-24 year. Please note that Core and Free Electives may be taken in any order. To see the complete grid for your own calendar year, click on appropriate link at the bottom of this grid.

First Year

(for students who entered the Urbanism program in the 2024/25 year)


  • ARCS 1005 Drawing
  • ARTH 1200 History & Theory of Architecture: Prehistory to 1500
  • ARCH 1000 Introduction to Architecture
  • ARCN 2106 Introduction to Multimedia 
  • GEOG 2200 Global Connections


  • ARCS 1105 Studio 1 (1.0 credit)
  • ARTH 1201 History & Theory of Architecture: 1500 to Present
  • ARCU 3100 The Morphology of the City
  • ARCN 2105 Digital Practice & Theory

Second Year

(for students who entered the Urbanism program in the 2023/24 year)


  • ARCS 2303 Urbanism Studio 1: Fundamentals of Urbanism (1.0 credit)
  • ARCH 2300 Introduction to Modern Architecture
  • ARCC 2202 Architectural Technology 1
  • GEOG 2023 Cities, Inequality and Urban Change


  • ARCS 2304 Urbanism Studio 2: Urbanism in the Core (1.0 credit)
  • GEOM 1004 Maps, Satellites and the Geospatial Revolution
  • ARCC 2100 Design and the Environment
  • ARCU 4103 Cities

Third Year

(for students who entered the Urbanism program in the 2022/23 year)


  • ARCS 3304 Urbanism Studio 2: Urbanism in the Core (1.0 credit)****
  • ARCC 2203 Architectural Technology 3
  • ARCU 4801 Topics in Urbanism
  • GEOG 4323 Urban & Regional Planning***
  • COOP 1000 Co-op Preparation (0.0 Credit)


  • ARCS 3306 Urbanism Studio 3 : Urbanism on the Periphery (1.0 credit)
  • ARCU 4700 Urban Utopias*
  • ARCU 4103 Cities
  • ARCH 4201 History of Modern Housing

Fourth Year

(for students who entered the Urbanism program in the 2021/22 year)


  • ARCS 4105 Comprehensive Studio (1.5 credit)
  • ARCC 3202 Architectural Tech. 4


  • ARCS 3306 Urbanism Studio 5: Global Perspectives (1.0 credit)****
  • ARCC 4500 Design Economics
  • ARCU 4700 Urban Utopias*
  • ARCH 4201 History of Modern Housing


* ARCU 4700 Urban Utopias and ARCU 4300 Histories of Theories of Urbanism are offered in alternating years.  Urbanism students will take these courses in either their 3rd or 4th-year depending on when they are offered.

** ARCH 4201 History of Modern Housing is offered every other year, alternating with a Core Elective.  Urbanism students will take this course in either their 3rd or 4th-year depending on when it is offered.

*** GEOG 4323 has replaced CIVE 4303 as a core course.  Students who entered the Urbanism program prior to 2021 may take either GEOG 4323 or CIVE 4303 to fulfil their requirement. The other course will count as a Core Elective for students who wish to take both.

****Note that the course code for ARCS 3303 has been updated to ARCS 2304 and the course code for ARCS 4304 has been updated to ARCS 3306.

Course Requirements

Course requirements have changed over time. For a complete layout of course sequencing for your entry year, please choose the appropriate link below:

First Year Students

Certain courses include TUTORIALS – in which you must also register when registering for the course.   Please be aware that the system may not allow you to register in the LECTURE component of the course without also registering in an associated TUTORIAL (or vice versa).

When registering for the lecture component of your fall term Art History course (ARTH 1200 — CRN 30260), you must also choose a Tutorial from CRN 30261 to CRN 30270. When registering for the lecture component of Architecture ARCN 2106 (CRN 30208), you must also choose a Tutorial from CRN 30209 to CRN 30214.

When registering for the lecture component of your winter-term in Art History course (ARTH 1201), you must also choose a Tutorial from CRN 10250 to CRN 10259.

Please consult the 2022 Course Calendar below for the latest list of approved Urbanism Core Electives.

2021 Students and Earlier

ARCU 4600 Post-WWII Urbanism is no longer required as a core course.  Students who entered the program in 2017 for whom this course is a requirement should take a Core Elective in its place.

Notes About Workshops

Workshops are hands on, specialty courses that students may apply to take as “free electives.”  To apply to participate in a workshop, please do the following:

Step One: Review the workshop offerings and ensure you meet the prerequisites.

Step Two: Submit the required application via email to the instructor by the application deadline. 

Step Three: Await a decision, which you will receive via your Carleton email within three weeks of the application deadline. 

Step Four: If you are approved to take the requested workshop, please forward the message you received from then instructor to the Undergraduate Administrator.  You will also need to complete and submit an override request form on Carleton Central to secure a place in the course.

Please note: Application to a workshop does not guarantee course access. All applications are reviewed by the instructor after the submission deadline. Students are encouraged to register in an alternate course in the event they are not accepted into a workshop.