Masud Taj

Adjunct Professor
H. Masud Taj writes of his studios/seminars in his “Recollections of an Unconventional Pedagogy”, in Carleton University’s 75th-anniversary volume. He also lectures on Muslim civilizations at the Centre for Initiatives in Education. He designed the War Memorial in Bombay, was mentored by Hassan Fathy in Egypt, worked with Charles Correa in India and conversed with Arthur Erickson at National Gallery of Canada. His books include:
– Embassy of Liminal Spaces synthesizing poetry, calligraphy and architecture as a permanent installation at the Canadian Chancery, India; inducted in the Library of Parliament, Ottawa.
– Nari Gandhi (apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright) Carleton University’s Archives & Research Collections
– Alphabestiary (exegesis by Bruce Meyer) featured at the International Festival of Authors, Toronto.
He went on a two-month round-the-world lecture-tour (2018). He featured in Portraits of Canadian Writers and was a Leacock Medal judge (2019-2021). He received the Capital Educators Award and CUSA Award in Teaching Excellence and featured on TIME, CBC and BBC.