John Cook

Adjunct Professor
John Cook was a co-founder of Griffiths Rankin Cook (now GRC Architects) in 1985. In 2024, GRC joined Provencher_Roy. John has extensive experience in the design of cultural, institutional, commercial, and educational projects including heritage projects such as the Public Archives and National Library, Rideau Hall, and Queen’s University. His expertise encompasses heritage conservation — from technical restoration projects and the adaptive reuse of historic buildings to designing new buildings within heritage districts and cultural landscapes. John has delivered successful award-winning heritage projects for more than 30 years and is well-versed in the national guidelines and best practices for heritage work.
John also has urban design and master planning experience, including the award-winning Festival Plaza – a public gathering and events space for Ottawa City Hall, adjacent to the Rideau Canal UNESCO site. He directed GRC’s urban design plan and facade rehabilitation design for Les Terrasses de la Chaudière – the Government of Canada’s largest office complex, situated in the cultural landscape of the Parliamentary Precinct and the ceremonial route of
Confederation Boulevard.
As a LEED-accredited professional, John is accomplished at delivering environmentally-conscious and sustainable buildings. GRC’s portfolio of government and educational projects, subject to various sustainability standards, is evidence of John’s sustainability experience. At GRC, LEED-accredited projects are the norm, not the exception. In addition, John has experience in negotiating the challenging issues around accessibility in heritage buildings. GRC completed a full condition study for the Sir Leonard Tilley Building (FHBRO recognized), including recommendations on how to best incorporate the NPS standard (a new PSPC standard) on design, sustainability, and accessibility – to the firm’s knowledge, it is the first such comprehensive integration of this new standard for a heritage building, putting GRC at the forefront of new design standards.
John is also highly engaged with architectural education and has consistently taught part-time in the design program of Carleton University’s school of architecture since 1983. His volunteer activities include past service as Chair of Ottawa’s Regional Society of Architects, and membership on the Carleton University Art Gallery’s Advisory Board, and the Heritage District Committee of Ottawa/Rockcliffe.