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Transformational Impacts of Information Technology Globinar

Saturday, January 9th, 2021 at 12:00 am to 12:00 am

  • Tbd event

Cross-Appointed Professor Mario Santana Quintero, along with students Michelle Duong, Miquel Reina Ortiz and Freed Viera have been helping organize the “Transformational Impacts of Information Technology” Globinar under the Our World Heritage Initiative.

The digital revolution is changing how people know, understand, use, and visit heritage sites. How is the World Heritage Convention addressing this historic transformation? How can collective knowledge and big data become heritage conservation tools and foster its integration into comprehensive planning systems? How can IT support transparency in, and access to, decision-making and management processes of the Convention? How can digital technologies, including social media, promote heritage education, awareness, and support to the cultural and creative industries?

Within the theme of Transformational Impacts of Information Technology, we aim to establish a robust network of organizations and professionals and put forth policy recommendations to the World Heritage Committee. Striving to inspire not only discourse but also action, we are exploring how we can use technology to monitor our World Heritage Sites and present multiple narratives through various interpretation tools.

Follow the link to access the registration form:; since this is a Zoom meeting format (not webinar), everyone will use the same link to enter all sessions at any time. You will be made Co-Host when you join the meeting.

Or, register for a specific session

For further information about the event, click here.

Watch the video below for the call of action or visit the submission of notice of interest