Posts sorted by Undergraduate Studio

ARCS4017 Studio 7 - The Ribbon (2021)
Project title The Ribbon Authors Isabelle Cote, Miriam Doyle, Tiffany Lau, Calista Loten and Reid Paxton Instructor Sheryl Boyle Course…

ARCS3107 Studio 5 - Tracing the Intangible (2021)
Project title Tracing the Intangible Author Ben Merrit Instructor Honorata Pienkowska Course ARCS 3107 – Studio 5 Academic term Winter…

ARCS1105 Studio 1 - Front Street Patisserie (2021)
Project title Front Street Patisserie Author Jessica Villarasa Instructor Piper Bernbaum Course ARCS 1105 – Studio 1 Academic term Winter…

ARCS3107 Studio 5 - BAUHAUS Campus 2021 (2021)
Project title BAUHAUS Campus 2021 Author Bennet Harvey Instructor Manuel Baez Course ARCS 3107 – Studio 5 Academic term Winter…

ARCC3302 Conservation Studio 2 - A New Social Heritage (2021)
Project title Current: A New Social Heritage Authors Gavin Bailey, Jackson Flagal and Jacob Wilson Instructor Lyette Fortin Course ARCC…

ARCS4107 Studio 7 - Voices Lost (2021)
Project title Voices Lost Author Goce Stojanoski Instructor Émélie Desrochers-Turgeon Course ARCS 4107n – Studio 7 Academic term Winter 2021…

ARCS4107 Studio 7 - Birds: Agents of Change (2021)
Project title Birds: Agents of Change Author Brandon Todd Instructor Lisa Moffit Course ARCS 4107 – Studio 7 Academic term…

ARCS3107 Studio 5 - The Lost Reel (2021)
Project title The Lost Reel: Archipelic Campus for Visual Communications Author Rory Peckham Instructor Roger Connah Course ARCS 3107 –…

ARCS3107 Studio 5 - The Enigma Building (2021)
Project title The Enigma Building: The Maritime Museum of Kozhikode Author Alex Saucier Instructor Roger Connah Course ARCS 3107 –…

ARCS3107 Studio 5 - City of Pat(c)h (2021)
Project title City of Pat(c)h: The City and the City Author Damiano Perella Instructor Roger Connah Course ARCS 3107 –…

ARCS4107 Studio 7 - The Absurdity of Housing (2021)
Project title Utopian Solutions for Dystopian Problems: The Absurdity of Housing Author Federico Lacasia Instructor Johan Voordouw Course ARCS 4107…

ARCN2105 - NïFLheim
Project title NïFLheim Author Amani Hamzeh & Maneet Sodhi Instructor Connor O’Grady Course ARCN 2105 – Digital Practice & Theory…
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