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Marco Frascari Prize in Architecture 2024: Call for submissions

March 18, 2024

A drawing competition for graduate students at the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism

Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. ET 

This drawing competition is open to graduate or post-graduate students who have completed at least one year of their program. The programs include Master of Architecture (two-year and three-year programs) Master of Architectural Studies, PhD in Architecture, and Graduate Diploma in Architectural Conservation. 

The prize money amounts to $10,500 for first, second, and third places and honourable mentions.

This year’s competition invites students to use hybrid drawings combining digital and hand work, as demonstrations offering “clues” of adaptability in architecture and plural storytelling(s) of sites whose stories are in the making. Adaptability can have a retrospective and prospective quality. We can convert existing buildings to new uses or construct new buildings and details with a propensity for future adaptations.

Recipients must have demonstrated excellence in the practice of hand-drawing and have developed a critical understanding of the craft and role of drawing in architecture.

Students may submit either a hand-drawing or a hybrid drawing (digital/hand drawing together), an area of architectural representation that defines the intellectual legacy of Marco Frascari. Submissions cannot be entirely digital.

Submission Requirements

Students must submit 1-3 high-quality drawings developing a narrative across the images, accompanied by a description in 200-500 words. The work submitted should be part of the design research work prepared in the fulfillment of the degree (e.g. studio, thesis, doctoral dissertation, etc.).

Submissions should be made by email with the subject: “Marco Frascari2024 Submission” to by Monday April 1, 1:00 p.m.

NOTE: Late submissions will not be considered.

Each file name should be organized as follows:

Last name_first name_student ID_Drawing 1.jpg

Last name_first name_student ID_Text 1.docx

If there are any questions, please contact Assistant Professor Piper Bernbaum (

About the Marco Frascari Prize in Architecture

Dr. David Azrieli endowed the prize in 2013 in memory of Dr. Marco Frascari, who served as director of the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism from 2005 until his death in 2013.