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Awards – Undergraduate

Alpha Rho Chi Award (National Professional Fraternity for Architecture and the Allied Arts)

Awarded annually to a graduating senior in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Program (BAS) who has shown an affinity for leadership, performed willing service for his or her school or department, and gives promise of real professional merit through his or her attitude and personality.

BAS Fourth year students do not need to apply, as they are automatically considered.

Architecture Directed Studies Abroad (DSA) Award

Awarded annually, when merited, by the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, to an undergraduate student participating in the Directed Studies Abroad (DSA) program.  Preference will be given to a student with high academic marks and who requires financial assistance to participate in the DSA, as determined by the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism. Endowed in 2006 by Architecture ’86 in honour of their 20th reunion and further enhanced by alumni in celebration of the School of Architecture’s 50th anniversary.

Undergraduate students are required to demonstrate financial need by completing bursary applications that will be distributed by the School. The value of this award will vary based on available funds.

Canada Green Building Council Andy Kesteloo Memorial Student Project Award (*External Award)

The Andy Kesteloo Memorial Student Project Award is named in memory of Andy Kesteloo, a visionary green building advocate who shared his commitment to sustainability with humour, insight, and passion. This award recognizes a student project that demonstrates leadership, innovation and inspiration with a creative vision for the future of sustainable design in the field of green building and communities. Must be a full-time, undergraduate student, enrolled during the current academic year, involved directly or indirectly in the built environment. Some examples include programs related to: Architecture, Engineering, Urban Planning, Interior Design, Community Planning, Sustainability Management, Supply Chain Management, Construction, and Trades. Project groups must select one group representative. A project award can only be awarded to one group member.

Undergraduate students must apply on the Canada Green Building Council’s website. The award is valued at $2,000.

Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals CPEF Award in Architecture

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, to an outstanding student enrolled in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Architecture degree. Recipients will be selected by the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism in consultation with a panel of internal and external reviewers. Eligible students will have completed the fall semester Housing Studio and will have demonstrated design excellence in their project, with a particular attention to the social and cultural aspects of building. Established 1986.

Fourth year Bachelor of Architecture degree students do not need to apply, as they are automatically considered. This award is valued at $1,500.

Gil Sutton Award for Excellence

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, to an outstanding student proceeding from third year to fourth year of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies program at Carleton University.  Recipients will demonstrate outstanding growth in their comprehension of the broad scope of architecture and an understanding of the influence Architects have on society through the design of built form.  Endowed in 2009 in memory of Gil Sutton, former director of the School of Architecture at Carleton University.

Undergraduate students do not need to apply. Students are automatically considered.

Gouhar Shemdin Award in Building Heritage Conservation

The Gouhar Shemdin Award in Built Heritage Conservation recognizes design excellence and innovative approaches to sustainability for the conservation, safeguarding, and reuse of built heritage. This award will go to an outstanding student in the fourth and final year of the Bachelor of Architecture program in Conservation and Sustainability.

Students in the Conservation and Sustainability BAS program are nominated by faculty and do not need to apply. This award is valued at $1,000.

Gulzar Haider School of Architecture Award

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, to an undergraduate student with the highest grade in first year studio.  Endowed in 2004 by alumni, colleagues and friends of Gulzar, Director of the School of Architecture from 2000-2004.

Undergraduate students do not need to apply. Students are automatically considered.

HODI Award in Built Heritage Conservation

Awarded when merited on the recommendation of the Coordinators of the Conservation and Sustainability program to one or more outstanding students in the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering or the School of Canadian Studies. Eligible recipients will be involved in projects aimed at safeguarding and rehabilitating historic buildings in Ottawa. Should a recipient be a graduate student then Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs will make the award. Established in 2014 by the Historic Ottawa Development Inc. (HODI)

Students in the Conservation and Sustainability BAS program are nominated by faculty and do not need to apply. This award is valued at $7,000. 

James W. Strutt Memorial Award in Geometric Form & Function

Awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student enrolled in the Bachelor of Architecture program at Carleton University, studying Geometric Form and Function.  Endowed 2008 by family and friends in memory of James W. Strutt, a renowned architect and professor of architecture at Carleton University from 1969-1986.

Undergraduate students do not need to apply. Students are automatically considered.

Michael Russell Coote Memorial Award

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, to a promising student who has successfully completed first year in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies program.  Donors: Friends, family and colleagues of the late Michael R. Coote. Endowed 1983 in memory of Michael R. Coote, a member of the faculty since 1970 and Director of the School of Architecture from 1978 to 1982.

Undergraduate students do not need to apply. Students are automatically considered.

Ontario Association of Architecture Award

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, to two undergraduate students with the highest overall grade enrolled in any year of Bachelor of Architecture studies degree. Donor: Ontario Association of Architects. Established 1972.

Students do not need to apply. BAS students are automatically considered. This award is valued at $2,000 each.