ARCS4107 Studio 7 – Cetus (2021)

Project title
Tiffany Lau
Sheryl Boyle
ARCS 4107 – Studio 7
Academic term
Winter 2021
Project Description
Nestled amongst the trees of Hog’s Back Park, the home of Cetus lays hidden away on a hill. Above lies its cosmic counterpart: the constellation of Cetus the Sea Monster. A projection of its shape is carved into the land in a form of mirroring the sky: reflecting both the ocean above and the ocean below. As you traverse along this horizon line between the two worlds, you pass through chambers filled with mystical lighting. These little moments connect the path you take with the stars and may inspire a sense of childlike wonder. In your heightened imagination, your position in the universe is understood. Your journey along this horizon line continues; ascending and descending, reaching points of openness and points of envelopment before your final destination and climax: the eye of Cetus. At its eye, the continual upwards climb to the highest peak creates the strongest visual connection between the land and the sky.