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Prof. Manuel Báez named as a 2023 Carleton University Chair in Teaching Innovation

July 14, 2023

Carleton University announced that Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism professor, Manuel A. Báez, is one of two professors named as the 2023 Carleton University Chairs in Teaching Innovation. Báez and Ali Arya (School of Information Technology) are being recognized for their demonstrated teaching excellence and innovation across their careers. They are the first teaching chair recipients from the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

“It is indeed an honour to receive this prestigious appointment from Carleton University, acknowledging all the work that’s been done over the years through dedicated teaching and research. This would not have been possible without the enthusiastic participation of the wonderful students and collaborators that have contributed to all of this over the years. I’m forever grateful to them and look forward to continuing this into the future through this kind of support,” said Báez.

The Carleton University Chairs in Teaching Innovation receive a $45,000 grant over three years to work on projects that advance Carleton’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Báez will be working on a project titled Talking Circles: Multi-Cultural Resonances Towards Reconciliation. A diverse multicultural group of students from across the university, including Indigenous students, will have the opportunity to participate in this three-year SoTL project.

This interdisciplinary project will allow the students to engage with a particular theme and/or object through a multi-cultural learning process. The Talking Circles project will foster a respectful listening and working environment that encourages multi-cultural exchange and reflective discussions.

“My teaching philosophy seeks to explore how to expand the awareness and goals of students through their interests, passions, and cultural background,” said Báez. “I have found this to be a motivational method that often can reveal untapped sources of inspiration that individual students are not fully aware of until it is allowed to emerge and flourish in unexpected directions for both the student and the teacher.”

The Talking Circles: Multi-Cultural Resonances Towards Reconciliation project also aligns with Carleton’s priorities and Calls to Action included in Kinàmàgawin and contributes to the Indigenous Learning Bundles program.

Examples of previous related projects:

Resonant Currents II:

The Gather-Ring:

The Light Keeper:

Diluvio: Teatro delle Ombre: