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2022 HODI Award in Built Heritage Conservation — Submission Deadline: May 30

May 18, 2022

The 2022 HODI Award in Built Heritage Conservation — with $7,000 in prizes — invites Carleton students to submit a project that aims to safeguard and rehabilitate existing buildings in Ottawa, taking a conservation approach. 

The deadline is Monday, May 30 at 3 p.m. EDT. For questions, please email: 

Download the Student Submission Form here

Eligibility Criteria & Submission Requirements 

The HODI Award shall allow applicants to base a submission on a heritage conservation project within the City of Ottawa.  


  • Be an undergraduate or graduate student; either individual or a team; enrolled in a program at Carleton University Faculties of Engineering and Design or Arts and Social Sciences; 
  • Full time or part time;
HODI Award 1st Prize 2021, Jessica Babe for her project Wampum to retrofit 24 Sussex Drive

Submission Requirements 

HODI Award 1st Prize 2021, Rory Peckham for Eyes which see (connect),
an adaptive reuse of Southminster United Church

Judging Criteria

The jury shall generally use the following criteria in evaluating the proposals and look at a balance of these objectives. They will analyze to determine how well each submission:  

  • Follows the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada (Parks Canada, latest edition); 
  • Demonstrates feasibility of implementation 
  • Expresses a clear conservation approach 
  • Demonstrates a commitment to heritage conservation in Ottawa 
  • Expresses and contributes to the cultural heritage value and significance of the site’s surrounding community; 
  • Addresses the practical considerations of construction and conservation; 
  • Responds to other relevant criteria directed by the jury.  

Selection of the Winner

Selection Committee 

The winner of the award annually will be chosen by a selection committee of qualified professionals, numbering five (5) individuals in total. 

The committee will be comprised of: 

The jury members will vote on the selection of a lead juror, who will oversee the administration of the jury arrangements and deliberations, and whose vote will be the deciding one, should there be a tie in jury selections. 

The lead juror will always be a Carleton University employee to ensure adherence to university policies and procedures. All members of the jury will sign a confidentiality agreement to be circulated by the coordinators of the Conservation and Sustainability program. Conservation in  

Authority and Responsibility of Selection Committee 

Important Dates 

Deadline for submissions: May 30 

Culmination of jury deliberation: June 11 

Notification to Awards Office: June 16 

Notification to winner by: June 17 

Media Release by: June 17 


Historic Ottawa Development Inc. (HODI) offers professional advice, advocacy support, and partnership opportunities to inspire and celebrate the conservation of Ottawa’s built heritage. Its board of directors has expertise in architecture, restoration, and historical research. It can provide loans and grants to assist with the rehabilitation of historic properties and public education projects. 

The award provides the opportunity for HODI to support the emerging generation of conservation professionals in researching, learning, and practicing in Ottawa. It helps build the capacity needed to deliver conservation best practices for Ottawa’s built heritage, now and into the future.