Building 22 Launches Edition 20
We are pleased to present here Building 22 Edition 20: Online. This year, in our strange circumstances of quarantine, the editors wanted to do something a bit different. Professor Yvan Cazabon inspired and helped to shape the vision of this edition to reflect the older “Carleton Folio” format. Edition 20 comprises five volumes, as follows:
Folio 1: The Director’s Project
Folio 2: An essay by Professor Roger Connah, and work from 1st and 2nd year
Folio 3: Work from 3rd and 4th year
Folio 4: Master of Architecture studio work
Folio 5: Master of Architecture thesis work
Because of the additional cost for five folios instead of a single book, we are producing only 15 copies for the first printing. The school’s digital craft technicians Steve MacLeod and Brant Lucuik are making slipcases for this limited run.
We will be printing a second run in late April. Please check back for more information at a later date if you would like to pre-order a copy. Cost of the five folios will be $60.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the long and very gratifying process of producing this edition. Director Jill Stoner gave unwavering support through the process. Professor Yvan Professor Roger Connah generously wrote an introductory essay to Folio 02, offering valuable insights into the future of architectural education. Thanks also to Professor Janine Debanné for her editorial suggestions, and Kenneth Hayes for his insightful attention to detail throughout the editing process. Sincere thanks and appreciation to Enid Huang, Assistant Editor of Edition 20, for her enthusiasm, dedication, and collaboration during the past year. I wish her great success as the incoming editor of Edition 21.
Finally, thanks to all my fellow students for your inspiring work.
–Maya Jarrah, Editor