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Architectures of Hiding Symposium: September 24-25

| Architectures of Hiding |

| Crafting Concealment | Omission | Censorship | Erasure | Silence |

September 24–25, 2021, Online

For information and registration:

Everyone is invited to the two-day symposium, Architectures of Hiding, hosted by the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism (ASAU).

The free public event takes place online from September 24 to 25, 2021. It combines keynotes lectures, paper presentations, an exhibition of creative works, a walking tour, and a forthcoming publication. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link.

Architectures of Hiding considers apparatuses, modes, temporalities, motives, and materialities in the crafting of architecture—whether for the deployment of coercive power, exclusion, erasure, or as techniques of imagination, resistance, safety, or agency.

Forty contributors from 12 countries will bring diverse perspectives to a timely inquiry into the issue of the opacity of truth to explore the making of architecture as a social, political, and physical construct that conceals as much as it reveals.

Participants will explore acts of concealment in Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Lebanon, Nigeria, Norway, Palestine, Spain, and the United States.

The symposium features keynote lectures by:

The symposium is the inaugural event of the biennial CR|PT|C Agora Symposia & Exhibit series at the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism. It is co-hosted by:

CR|PT|C is grateful to the sponsors who make this event possible: Azrieli Endowment, Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism, Carleton Immersive Media Studio, Carleton University’s Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature Art and Culture, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, and Art Engine.

The event benefits from a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connect Grant and an Ontario Association of Architects Public Awareness Sponsorship grant.

Selected works from this event and other invited works will be disseminated through a future publication. 

Each symposium in the Agora series focuses on different themes while addressing the history and theory of architecture in relation to current practice. The symposia invite contributions from a multiplicity of fields to consider and discuss the nature of architecture today and its impact on the world. Starting from the Azrieli School’s PhD program, which fuses research with critical practice in architecture, each event will invite contributions of written and creative work.

Follow the event on TwitterInstagram, or Facebook and use the #architecturesofhiding hashtag.

Download the symposium’s poster for sharing with your contacts at this link.

About Carleton Research | Practice of Teaching | Collaborative

C R | P T | Collaborative | is formed by PhD candidates, PhD students, post-professional master’s students, and faculty of the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism at Carleton University. The collaborative, founded in 2019, pursues research in the humanities with a diverse research agenda that reflects the interests of the collaborators through the practice of teaching in academic settings in architecture.

C R | P T | C activities | are collaborative in nature and include research, publications, symposia, and exhibits.

C R | P T | C works | transmediate between the written word and epistemic constructions.