A Residential School Reclaimed: Transforming Tragedy into Hope

The last intact former residential school in Saskatchewan is at the Muskowekwan First Nation. Now, in collaboration with students and faculty at the Azrieli School and the National Trust for Canada, the Muskowekwan First Nation is transforming the site into a training centre, museum, archive, and memorial. Students in the third-year winter 2019 studio developed nine design concepts for the site. The faculty involved were Prof. Stephen Fai and Adj. Profs Jim Mountain and Lyette Fortin. The students were: Lauren Liebe, Khadija Waheed, Spencer Lapko, Hassan Hannawi, Vanessa De Alexandris, Hope Good, Arkoun Merchant, Patrick Bustin, Kseniia Beliaeva, Claire Bodrug, Merissa Lompart, Carlee Wale, Teagan Hyndman, Kaleigh Mackay, Panchi Galvan, and Danica Mitric.
Read this powerful story: https://cutt.ly/tnX85Em