Luke McElcheran, a 2021 Master of Architecture graduate, has received an Award of Excellence for his master’s thesis from the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP).
He won the award in the Student Achievement category for his thesis Vital Traditions: Assessing the Status of Skilled Trades Work in Toronto’s Heritage Policy, completed under the supervision of Associate Professor Mario Santana.
McElcheran is a recent graduate of the NSERC Create Heritage Engineering program and received his MArch degree from Carleton University in June 2021.
“I’m extremely grateful to the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals for their interest in this project and to the staff at Carleton and the NSERC Create Heritage Engineering program in particular for making it what it is,” said McElcheran, now working in Toronto in heritage conservation at ERA Architects.
The thesis surveyed literature on heritage trades work in an urban Canadian context. It also analyzed and compared the frameworks by which levels of government support the trades. A design project addressing the challenges and opportunities of trades in the heritage field accompanied it.
CAHP’s annual awards program recognizes excellence in the conservation of heritage value through preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, planning, and communication.
See all the award winners here.