Author: Aniko Nebozuk
Chord Corridor
Studio: ARCS 2106 – Studio 3
Professor: Phuong-Trâm Nguyen
Year: Winter 2021
Project Description
Chord corridor is born in Ottawa, a heavily massed, cow bell shaped music centre. Here, visitors are drawn in from both sides of Hinton Ave and Wellington St into the open garden. Entering the glass cube, one can check their coat into the reception, explore the gallery and make their way up the curved staircase to performances in the black box.
At the north end of the site are two towers of stairs that can take people to two private areas.
Going up the tower, one reaches a long corridor of government offices occupied by those who run the day to day operations of the music centre; they get a sweeping view of the public areas below them.
Taking the stairs below grade, one comes across the two story musicians haven. Here musicians can retrieve their instruments, practice and experiment to their heart’s content in the variously sized music rooms, or record their tinkerings in the studio. After jam sessions, one can sit on the long steps to relax and exchange banter with fellow