Prof. Suzanne Harris-Brandts guest-edits Canadian Foreign Policy Journal

May 23, 2024

Assistant Professor Suzanne Harris-Brandts is a guest editor of a special issue of Canadian Foreign Policy Journal titled “The Reverberating Effects of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine.”


“Since February 2022, the region’s dynamics have shifted considerably, prompting us to take stock of both the local impacts and global consequences,” Dr. Harris-Brandts and her fellow editors, Milana Nikolko, Jeff Sahadeo, and David Sichinava, write in the introduction.


“Our focus as guest editors to this special issue of Canadian Foreign Policy Journal is on sharing empirical research relevant to a broader understanding of current events and public debates, contributing to contemporary public affairs, refugee, migration, and diaspora studies,” they write.


The special issue also features an article by Harris-Brandts on safe spaces in war zones, titled “Rapid response housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine.”


Canadian Foreign Policy Journal is a fully peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published three times a year by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University.


It includes a piece by one of Carleton’s sponsored scholars at risk, Ilia Kononov, whose home and university were destroyed during the battle of Bakhmut in Eastern Ukraine.